An Amazing New Method For Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

 An Amazing New Method For Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

The number of overweight and obese Americans is rising at a very quick pace. A Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25.0 to 29.9 is considered "overweight," while a BMI of 30 or more is considered "obese." The National Center for Health Statistics reports that during the 1988–1994 reporting period, 23% of the population was fat and 56% of the population was overweight. Both of these percentages rose to 65% and 30%, respectively, between 1999 and 2002.
Therefore, it is evident that obesity has become an epidemic in the United States, and the medical expenses linked to it are now comparable to those resulting from smoking. In 2002, these expenses were predicted to be $92.6 billion, or 9.1% of all health care costs, and they are still rising quickly. In 2002, comparable smoking-related expenses were expected to range from 6.5% to 14.4%. According to the Centers for Disease Control, by 2005, obesity may overtake all other preventable causes of death in the country. In the United States, obesity is thought to be the cause of about 280,000 deaths annually.

Unfortunately, children are also being affected by this disease, which is not limited to adults. The percentage of children who were obese rose from 5% in 1964 to 13% in 1994. It is currently thought to be around 20% and growing.
Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, congestive heart failure, cancer, gallstones, gout, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, pulmonary issues, female reproductive issues, and depression are among the conditions for which obesity is a substantial risk factor.
It is so abundantly evident that more efficient strategies are required to stop and reverse this very significant contribute to our worsening healthcare dilemma in this age of rapidly rising healthcare expenses.
Given that Americans spend more than $50 billion a year on diet goods, the aforementioned statistics are particularly startling. Given the above-summarized ongoing epidemic, it is clear that this investment has been a complete failure. For instance, according to one study, the cost of one popular weight-loss treatment is $180 per pound lost!
In addition to the overwhelming evidence that diets are ineffective over the long term, there is also compelling evidence that they may potentially exacerbate weight gain and worsen health. For instance, yo-yo dieting has been shown to impair immunity by up to 30% in recent studies.
The general conclusion that significant food and lifestyle modifications are needed for long-term success is strongly supported by a review of the research literature on weight loss. A very thorough summary of these crucial adjustments is provided below:Consume a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.Increase your protein consumption to maintain and grow lean muscle mass.Make use of meals high in fiber, which are healthier and more satisfying.Increase your intake of calcium and other minerals to aid in fat loss.Consume almonds, flax, and seafood to increase your intake of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.Limit your intake of "junk" carbohydrates, which are made up of sugar and white flour.Reduce or completely avoid trans and saturated fats, which are high in dangerous fatty acids.Cut back on or stop drinking alcohol.To prevent the negative consequences of abrupt dieting, gradually reduce the amount of food consumed.Eat small, regular snacks rather than big meals to get the most energy from the calories you burn.To prevent having trouble managing your appetite later in the day, make sure you have a nutritious breakfast.Make sure you get in at least three half-hour workouts per week.Increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts gradually for even better results.Reduce stress to lessen excessive cortisol production, which encourages weight gain.Get enough sleep and spend at least fifteen minutes each day in the sun.Make all of these adjustments to your way of life and stick with them.

However, some people still have limited success in losing excess weight and keeping it off, even after making these modifications and sticking to them strictly.
In her most recent newsletter, Lucy Beale, a nationally recognized author and weight loss consultant for almost two decades, addressed this issue: "I've seen some of my clients do everything 'right' to lose weight for years—eating 0-5, eating low-glycemic foods, exercising—and yet they don't lose pounds or inches. Both they and I are frustrated by this circumstance. I have been 'wishing and hoping' to discover a fat-loss product that I can firmly endorse.I talked to a number of alternative health professionals about creating a natural weight-loss product that was: A) safe; B) effective; C) non-addictive; D) effective for the majority of individuals; and E) had long-term health advantages after I was unable to locate any workable goods to suggest. But our efforts never produced anything...The Nexagen Fat-Loss Patch was then introduced to me by a friend in September 2004. I've researched the patch and found it to be safe, effective, and beneficial to one's health. I asked a few of my clients to give it a try because I was so thrilled. They adored it. They felt better emotionally, had less cravings, ate less, found it easier to eat 0-5, and even desired to work out. They shed pounds and inches. For ailments like asthma, allergies, high blood pressure, diabetes, and thyroid issues, many were able to lower the dosage of their prescription drugs. Those who have worn the patch for three to six months or longer report positive outcomes.
Lucy is talking about the Fat Loss Patch, which is a novel way to help with weight loss and maintenance. This patent-pending transdermal patch uses Forslean, a patented derivative from an Asian herb, Coleus forskohlii, which has been used for centuries to treat cardiovascular disorders and other health issues. This is in contrast to the great majority of previous diet products that contain ephedra, synephrine, or other dangerous stimulants. According to recent studies, it also effectively reduces food cravings and burns fat while maintaining lean muscle. It also supports thyroid function and lowers blood pressure, which are additional health benefits.
It also works in a different way than any other thermogenic (or fat-burning) product in terms of encouraging the body to burn fat. Adenylate cyclase, a crucial enzyme involved in the synthesis of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP), is activated by the primary active ingredient in Forslean. Numerous vital bodily processes depend on this "second messenger," as it is referred as in the study literature. Burning fat while maintaining lean body mass is one way to help maintain a healthy body composition.
With the help of the Fat Loss Patch and the dietary and lifestyle modifications mentioned above, almost anyone may now achieve and sustain a healthy body weight.

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