When Moderation Fails
When Moderation Fails
We eat way too much of everything these days, so this habit can help you lose weight regardless of what you eat.
Everywhere you look, there's an opportunity to overeat. Our demands have outpaced the size of conventional servings; for example, a few years ago, a regular muffin would have been considered a standard serving. The smallest size available is a "tall" coffee. There are snack foods that come in large bars and multi-packs. Both at restaurants and at home, people tend to serve us far larger portions of food. The problem is that after a while, you start eating more than you need.
When trying to lose weight, most people can easily grasp the concept of portion control and make little changes to their usual consumption. Even if they aren't eating as much, they still like being able to eat what they like. They empty the bag of tortilla chips into a dish, then set aside a handful. They lessen the amount of food on their plate and leave half a muffin there (better toss it than have it on their hips). When dining out, they order less and happily discard any extra food that isn't necessary.
This is a fantastic way to keep from experiencing the hunger pangs that dieters frequently experience. Cutting portions in half can result in a 500-calorie reduction or more in your daily caloric intake, which translates to a loss of approximately one pound of fat (3500 calories) every week even without further lifestyle modifications. This isn't the healthiest eating plan, but it helps you see results without making a ton of changes all at once. A better approach would be to consume more nutrient-dense meals.
Although this works wonderfully for most people, there are a few who find it very difficult to stick to this weight loss regimen. That's the category that includes people who obsess about certain foods.
For other people, even a little of their favorite meal will make them consume an entire packet, so moderation is out the window. This could happen with salty snack foods, chocolate, and other items that are high in sugar.
period you figure out how to manage your portion sizes with other foods, it could be best to cut off the food altogether for a period. The next step is to reintroduce a tiny amount of the food you used to crave once you feel like you can control your portion sizes with other foods, you're losing weight, and you're feeling well.
The best way to do this for your specific situation may need some trial and error. The way our bodies and minds respond to food varies from person to person. To control a hunger, some people need more time than others. Most people find that after three or four weeks of controlling their portion sizes at other meals and snacks, they are ready to try reintroducing the food. Leave it for twice as long before attempting again if it causes you to overeat. Because it's so addicting, some individuals have completely cut out chocolate and ice cream from their lives. However, once they learn to enjoy it in moderation, they no longer need to worry about being addicted.
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