Enhancement of Life's Moments through Purification

Enhancement of Life's Moments through Purification

The term "purification" is not one that I made up. For quite some time, it has been included in the dictionary. But when I first used it years ago to describe a client's illness, it did feel like I had stumbled across something new. A new and more empowering viewpoint dawned on this man all of a sudden. He was open to being cleansed, yet just moments ago he had treated his illness like an illness, wavering between denying and covering up his condition.

Rebranding as Purification Maybe Delightful, Maybe Not

Some forms of purification are not pleasant. You will mostly feel the sweetness, clarity, or liberation once you have gone through the purifying process. The way you perceive and interact with an object can be profoundly affected by its name. A few common terms for the purifying process are:

Paradigm shift, healing crisis, health correction, detoxification, retracing, illness, sickness (flu, cold, headache), illness, recoiling, pattern breaking, breakdown, breakthrough, paradigm shift, recycling toxicity, release, cleansing, cleansing response, chronic/acute condition, and so on. Maybe you can think of few more that we could include.

Extensive Background

Physical, emotional, cerebral, and spiritual levels of experience are frequently discussed in my writing and speeches. Naturally, these do not constitute incompatible groups. Even if you don't realize it, every experience involves more than one level, even though your focus is on one. They are easier to sort out and clean up when you separate these four levels (or bodies, portions, or facets), in my experience. After differentiating, integration comes next. In the end, it's about being in tune with the total, and knowing the pieces helps with that.

According to my energy field readings, the density of these levels decreases as you go through them in the specified sequence. In other words, the four levels are as follows: the physical level is the densest (you can see, touch, and hear it), the emotional level is the next densest, the cerebral level is even denser, and the spiritual level is the lightest and most refined. As a result of my training, I am able to perceive, touch, and hear on the spiritual, emotional, and mental levels just as easily as on the physical one.

A Year in a Day

Sue, one of my clients, decided to cleanse herself a number of years ago by going on a 49-day juice fast under the guidance of a medical professional and myself. She planned to rid herself of anything she didn't require. She felt tremendous healing on multiple levels, but mostly she saw it as a bodily cleanse. Surprisingly, the emotional outpouring frequently caught her off guard. Her awareness of her mental body's functioning was also ongoing. Furthermore, she felt a deeper connection to her spiritual self.

It was a joy to observe the changes in her energy field every day. She also wrote and reflected on a year of her life while counting backwards, in addition to fasting from solid foods. On the first day, she let go of anything that may have built up this year; on the second day, she let go of anything that might have built up the year before, when she was forty-eight; and so on. The year she was born was exactly forty-ninth day later. At least six days a week for 49 days, she worked a full day.

An Upcoming Devotion to One's Own

Unexpectedly, I began a process of purification a few months back. The situation started during a three-day meeting held in a highly hazardous setting: a hotel's conference center during the day and the hotel's sleeping room at night. Two planes passed above the meeting site. More than an hour or two without air conditioning is out of the ordinary for me. A feeling of "sickness" washed over me as my body broke down the poisonous overload. I was lethargic, my joints tensed, and my brain hurt. In response to the poisons, my body was releasing them; specifically, my immune system was doing its job well.

I swiftly reframed my position by shifting my focus from "sickness/illness" to the fact that my body was capable of expelling poison, just like my clients do when I reframe their disempowering conditions. Sure enough, toxins are released when the body is sufficiently healthy. Despite the fact that most of these symptoms range from moderately to severely unpleasant, you are more inclined to cooperate rather than fight when you have a good grasp of the process.

Because of this lack of knowledge, you may seek out a substance to dull the pain in order to avoid experiencing it. When I was a kid, my parents were very protective of us and did their best to shield us from any suffering. We were offered a plethora of prescription and over-the-counter medications. Since you find the sound bothersome when the smoke detector is functioning correctly and offers its warning, I liken this to taking out the batteries in the smoke detector. For a long time, I did not take any medication, either legally or illegally.

Am I the Only One Who Thinks This Way?

Because I have struggled with various health issues throughout the years, I frequently try out healing techniques on my own. Furthermore, procedures for clients and others just appear in my head and then either spill out of my mouth or my fingertips. From time to time, my own experiences are a good indicator of how other people's experiences are like, but other times, they aren't.

It goes without saying that when I talk about something from my own life, it is only that: my story. It is inappropriate to generalize one person's experiences to everyone's experiences, no matter how valid or useful that may be. Clients, workshop attendees, website visitors, subscribers, and the hundreds of people who use my online services provide me with a wealth of data that allows me to draw broad conclusions and identify patterns. Each of us is special in our own way, and those links only help to emphasize that.

Elimination during the first week

Throughout my work with clients and myself, I have come across concepts of purification that have set the stage for the first week of the DailyAffirm Process. Purification, or "Releasing/Cleansing," takes place during the first week of the calendar month.

What I've realized about cleansing is that "less is better" and "a little goes a long way." Although these expressions are overused, they do hint at significant dynamics. Whoever knows how thoroughly to work with each DailyAffirm message is the one who benefits the most from them, in my experience. The key to success in any discipline is learning when to push yourself to your limits and when to ease up. As an example, instead of saying things like "I have to do this for twenty minutes every day," try saying something more open-ended. It is prudent not to impose additional constraints during purification, since that is not its intended aim.

An Overview of Purification's Essentials

Gaining more insight, health, or independence after completing a cleansing program is the surest sign that it was effective. No matter what you call it, the program must ultimately leave you feeling more vibrant and pure; otherwise, it is not a purification program. You can call it a cold, a healing crisis, an illness, or even a rose.

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